Kevin-Abosch - wrong theory prima mostra museale dart2121 cryptpoart nft

Kevin Abosch

Kevin Abosch (born 1969) is an Irish conceptual artist known for his works in photography, sculpture, installation, AI, Blockchain and film.


Abosch’s work addresses the nature of identity and value by posing ontological questions and responding to sociologic dilemmas. Abosch’s work has been exhibited throughout the world, often in civic spaces, including The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, The National Museum of China, The National Gallery of Ireland, Jeu de Paume ( Paris), The Irish Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, The Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) and Dublin Airport.



Kevin Abosch (born 1969) is an Irish conceptual artist known for his works in photography, sculpture, installation, AI, blockchain and film.

Abosch’s work addresses the nature of identity and value by posing ontological questions and responding to sociologic dilemmas. Abosch’s work has been exhibited throughout the world, often in civic spaces, including The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, The National Museum of China, The National Gallery of Ireland, Jeu de Paume ( Paris), The Irish Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, The Bogotá Museum of Modern Art, ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) and Dublin Airport.

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